DAGSA Board Meeting Minutes

Date:                    12/5/2008

To:                       All Attending Members

Meeting:             Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 6:30 PM Penn Twp Board Room

Attendees: Timi Lesperance, Tammy Sheibley, Scott Mutzabaugh, Bob Armstrong, Ron Baker, Jim Reed, Phil Klinger, Mike Humphrey

Absent: Shannon Callaghan, Melanie Fuller, Kelly Hammaker

Guests:, Steve Crider, Jason Urich

Meeting Discussion Items:

1.       Treasurer’s report – Nothing new to report. Tammy will pursue obtaining the laptop.

2.       Review and Acceptance of Meeting Minutes -  motioned – Scott Mutzabaugh, seconded –Bob Armstrong, motion carried.

3.       Equipment Turn-in – Equipment needs to be collected from the following teams: Fillies, Thunder, Rockets, and Stars. Jim Reed recommended checking out www.sportsdiamond.com for deals on equipment.

4.       League Rules – For 2009 – all bats must have certification mark and be on the approved list. Bats must have a manufacture date no earlier than 2000. There can be NO burrs, dents, or cracks visible on any bat. DAGSA will follow suit.

5.       Sign ups: Timi will send the final registration letter for review.  Timi will also create the volunteer sign-up sheets and a display board explaining the concession fee.

6.       Fees: The registration fees will remain at $45 per girl for 2009 season. Shirt fees are going up by $.50 per shirt. The board needs to decide whether to raise the shirt fees or absorb the $.50.

7.       Wheatfield Twp Meeting: There was a shortage of $17,500 for the new field at Wagner. The supervisors approved the additional funding of the field. They were appreciative of DAGSA’s donation. They will be getting us an operation cost summary to run the concession stand. They asked that DAGSA sweep out the bathrooms and take garbage to the dumpsters during practices and games. DAGSA will include this as part of the closing tasks for the concession stand duties. 

8.       Sponsorships: Bob Armstrong put together a promotion package for potential sponsors. $250 will be the requested contribution. The sponsor will receive their company logo/name on the back of the shirts and have a space in the opening day program and have a link to their site from DAGSA’s site. $250 will provide shirts and insurance for an entire team and would eliminate the need to charge parents for the shirts. We will only pursue this is we get enough interest to support all of the teams. Steve Crider will create a page on the DAGSA website for sponsors.

9.       Equipment Exchange Program: The website has been updated to include an equipment inventory page. Timi Lesperance will be the primary contact for the exchange program. The coach’s will be informed of available items. Timi will also maintain the inventory and store the stocked items.

10.   Fields: It was decided that Watts field is asking too much for maintenance to consider using them. Mike will check into using Cooper Field. Use of current fields on Sundays was also discussed.

11.   Opening Day – Opening Day will be on April 18th, 2009 with April 25th, , 2009 as the rain date. Need to discuss tribute to outgoing President. Need to confirm volunteer to sing the National Anthem and contact the Boy Scouts about flag presentation. Timi will contact Chuck Rhodes to see about pulling some press contacts for Opening Day. Tammy will contact Michele Smith about pictures. Pictures will be on April 18th , no make up date. A board member will have to enforce no drinks or food in the building during pictures.

12.   New Business: DAGSA will hold a player appreciation party on Thursday, June 18th from 6:00pm - ? at the YMCA in Dellville. Jeff Ebersole will inquire about reservations and usage fees. The winning teams in each age group will be recognized.

Field/Work Days will be as follows:
Penn Twp – Saturday, March 28th9AM - ? (field prep/concession clean-up)
                      Sunday, April 5th1PM - ? (field prep/ concession stocking)
 Friday, April 17th4PM - ? (final field prep/ concession set-up)
Wagner Park – Saturday, March 28th9AM - ? (field prep/concession clean-up)
                           Sunday, April 5th11AM(concession stocking)

Timi will print out registration forms and final letter to parents at Office Max. She will contact the board about a date to stuff the envelopes.

13.   Next Meeting: January 7th at 6:30 at Penn Twp Municipal Building

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM


(minutes compiled by Timi Lesperance)