Minutes 11/1713


The meeting of the DAGSA Board was held on November 17, 2013.  Board Members present were Ron Baker, Tammy Sheibly, Jen Swails, Heath Sands, Jason Brouse, Andy Kreiger, Jim Evans and Lindsey Melnick.


Absent:  Keith Rudy and Jason Urich


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by President Ron Baker.  Minutes from the October 13, 2013 meeting were handed out all members to review.


Treasurer’s Report


Tammy Sheibly presented Profit & Loss Comparison for the period of December 1, 2012 to November 14, 2012 to review.


DAGSA Website


Steve Crider mentioned that the website would need to be re-authorized on or before January 16, 2014.  Renewal options available were 1, 2, 3,or 5 years.  Steve suggested 2 years was a suitable timeframe for renewal.  JB made a motion to authorize the renewal for 2 years. TS second.  All in favor.




Tammy had the plaques with team pictures done and made plans to deliver.  A letter will be done and send out to former sponsors to offer discount for early payment of the sponsor fee.  Tammy will mail the letters or deliver them with the plaques.


Parent Letter


Dates for registration needed before the parent letter can be sent.

Registration dates and times were discussed and agree to. 

They are as follows:


January 15, 2014 7pm-8pm

January 25, 2014 1pm-3pm

February 3, 2014 7pm-8pm (if determined necessary due to weather or other conflicts)


Registration Fee:  TS made a motion to decrease the fee to $50.  JB seconds.  All in favor.

Volunteer/Concession Fee:  HS made a motion to increase the fee to $65.  JS seconds.  All in favor.

T-ball registration will remain at $15.




Firecracker tournament was an excellent fundraiser as well as a much needed opportunity for slow pitch teams to enter a tournament.  Would like to do again, but WILL need parent help from the All-Star player parents as well as other parents looking to satisfy volunteer commitment.


Tentative dates for tournament would be June 27-29 to avoid interfering with States and holiday plans.


JU and RB still researching prices for equipment that needs replaced.


JS still reviewing concession stand menu changes.  Other ideas to make working in the concession easier for parents were discussed.




Opening Day tentatively set for April 12, 2014


LM announced that a t-ball and 10U softball clinic will again be held at Cornerstone Christian Church in January and February. To limit the number of children and in order to address the different skill levels, the groups will be meet separately.  Letters will be sent out.


T-ball Clinic - January 21 and 28


10U Clinic - February 4 and 11


Wheelchair accessible portable toilets will be rented for seasonal use at both Wagner and Penn Twp.


RB mentioned that he was contacted by Devin & Keith Walters who expressed interest in coaching 12U or 10U team.  In addition, Phil Klinger expressed interest in coaching or assisting with 18U team.


Next meeting will be held December 15, 2013 at the Penn Twp Building.


Meeting adjourned at 5:20pm.